customre memo

Supplementary Notes  to Customers

No person is allowed to use our services in the following cases :

  1.  The customer intends to create or produce anything that is scandalous, obscene or immoral.
  2.  The customer intends to create or produce anything that will infringe the privacy of third party.
  3.  The customer intends to create or produce anything that will infringe the copyright of third party.
  4.  The customer intend to create or produce anything that will violate any prevailing ordinance

Examples include:
  1. Making copy of newspaper, magazine, book or any kind of press without proper authorization
  2. Making copy of songs, music, drama, movie, TV programs or all kinds of audio/video works without proper authorization
  3. Making copy of logo, trademark, image, painting, sketching, photograph or any kind of visual artwork owned by third party
  4. Making copy of software, computer programme or any kind of intellectual property without proper licence 
  5. Making copy of any document that is issued to an identifiable entity without the authorization of the issuer
  6. Making forged copy of any document or product
All critical content such as copyrighted materials, private or personal data for any production order must be provided by the customer together with proper authorization documents. Uncle Ming's Gallery only provide technical know how and/or raw materials for the production per customers instruction and permission. No third party intellectual property or private data is available without the permission of their respective owners. If any person who intends to obtain our service for carrying out the aforesaid activities for whatever purposes by tendering false statement or documents, we have the right to terminate the order and report the case to the relevant authorities immediately. We also reserve all the rights to claim damages due to his/her behaviour.

To ensure the quality of our services, we have installed CCTV (AV) and telephone monitoring & recording system

(Chinese Translation)
  1. 製作誹謗、淫褻或不雅物品
  2. 製作侵犯他人私隱物品
  3. 製作侵犯他人版權物品
  4. 製作任何違法物品
  1. 未經授權, 複製報張,雜誌書籍或一切刊物;
  2. 未經授權, 複製歌曲, 音樂, 戲劇, 電影, 電視或一切視聽作品;
  3. 未經授權, 複製商標, 圖像, 繪圖, 照片或任何視藝作品;
  4. 未經授權, 複製軟件, 電腦程式或任何知識產權創作;
  5. 未經授權, 複製證件;
  6. 偽造文件或物品
一切服務或生產之關鍵資料, 如商標, 品牌, 個人或機構資料, 皆由顧客提供並附帶有關授權文件; 本公司不會提供任何第三者之知識產權資料或機密資訊予未經授權人士。 任何人如以不誠實聲明, 欲騙取本公司服務而構成以上行為, 不論目的用途, 一經發現, 即終止服務, 報官查辦, 並保留追討損失權利。

為確保一切交易履行準確無誤, 本公司已裝設閉路電視(影音)/電話監錄系統