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Location and Travel Tips 位置及交通提示

hunghom map

Our main shop and digital workshop are situated in Hunghom Square which is  located at 37-39, Matauwai Road in Hung Hom. Access to our shopping mall is easy. Some fourteen routes of public buses passes by our shopping mall and there are also other bus routes travelling along nearby us. Visitors may also take a varieties of public transport passing by our site at the Hunghom KCR Station, Cross Harbour Tunnel Exit, Hunghom Public Pier and Whampoa Garden. 

紅 磡廣場位於馬頭圍道37-39號,鄰近聖匠堂及紅磡市政大樓,多路公共巴士及小巴,直達門前,其他途經漆咸道北或蕪葫街之公共車輛,車站距離紅磡廣場,亦 只是約5分鐘步行路程,將來更是港鐵東九龍支線紅磡分站之最熱門地點;在港鐵紅磡站、紅隧九龍出口、紅磡碼頭及黃埔花園,皆有接駁交通工具到達紅磡廣場, 交通非常方便。


2E 九龍城碼頭<->白田
5C 慈雲山(中)<->尖沙咀碼頭
6C 九龍城碼頭<->美孚
6F 九龍城碼頭<->麗閣
8 九龍<->尖沙咀碼頭
28 樂華<->尖沙咀(麼地道)
41 九龍城碼頭<->長青
45 九龍城碼頭<->麗瑤
106 小西灣<->黃大仙
106P 小西灣→黃大仙(只於星期一至六早上繁忙時間提供服務)
115 九龍城碼頭<->中環港澳碼頭
E23 彩虹<->機場(地面運輸中心)
E23P 彩虹→機場(地面運輸中心)(只於星期一至六上午繁忙時間服務)
N23 慈雲山<->東涌站(通宵服務)


巴士紅磡碼頭作總站的巴士路線 1R 紅磡碼頭→大嶼山昂平(只於星期日及公眾假期提供服務)
3B 紅磡碼頭<->慈雲山(中)
7B 紅磡碼頭<->樂富
15 紅磡碼頭<->平田
85C 紅磡碼頭<->馬鞍山市中心
85S 耀安->紅磡碼頭(只於星期一至六上午繁忙時間服務)
85X 馬鞍山市中心->紅磡碼頭(只於星期一至六上午繁忙時間服務)
268B 紅磡碼頭<->朗屏站
269B 紅磡碼頭<->天水圍市中心
796X 紅磡碼頭<->將軍澳站
以紅磡黃埔交通交滙處作總站的巴士路綫 5D 德福花園<->黃埔花園(循環線,只於星期一至六上午及下午繁忙時間服務)
8A 黃埔花園<->尖沙咀(循環線)
8P 海逸豪園<->尖沙咀(循環線)
12A 黃埔花園<->南昌站
30X 黃埔花園<->荃威花園
212 黃埔花園<->深水埗東京街
30X 黃埔花園<->荃威花園
107P 海逸豪園<->數碼港(只於星期一至六上午及下午繁忙時間服務)
115P 海逸豪園->中環港澳碼頭(只於星期一至六上午繁忙時間服務)
11K 紅磡站<->竹園
11X 紅磡站<->上秀茂坪
21 紅磡站<->彩雲
81C 紅磡站<->耀安
87D 紅磡站<->錦英苑
260A 兆康苑→紅磡站(只於星期一至六上午繁忙時間服務)
260X 紅磡站<->寶田
A21 機場(地面運輸中心) ↔ 紅磡車站
E21X 東涌 (逸東邨)→紅磡站 (只於星期一至六上午繁忙時間服務)
N216 紅磡站<->油塘
N241 紅磡站<->長亨
N271 紅磡站<->富亨
N281 紅磡站<->錦英苑
41R 香港體育館→長青
259R 香港體育館→屯門碼頭
260R 香港體育館→兆康苑
269R 香港體育館→天恆
渡輪紅磡 - 中環
紅磡 - 灣仔
紅磡 - 北角
  • Source of  Data : Wikipedia

Branch of Services  到訪我們

index/061021_gift gallery

It's always up to your own choice to use ready made gift items or custom made gift items for promoting the business of your company or activities of your organization. Thousands of commodity and samples are available for your reference.Just feel free to come in person to see more. Physical contact sometimes can't be replaced by virtual visit of any kind.
location map 197
Main Shop & Office
97-97A, 1/F, Hunghom Square, 37-39 Matauwai Rd., Hunghom,
23659900;  27662244
Fax: 27662200

digital workshop

In the past twenty years, we keep exploring the feasibility of advanced computer technology in the creative industry. We are not fanatic to high sounding frontier scientific achievement. Cost effectiveness is a major criterion in judging the applicability of the new technology for the actual production
我 們從不盲目追求高新科技而忘卻成本效益, 數碼工作室提供切實可行的方案

location map g62
Digital Workshop
62, G/F, Hunghom Square, 37-39 Matauwai Rd., Hunghom,

Digital Studio
A1-08, 5/F., Phase I, Hangfung Ind. Bldg, 2G, Hokyuen St., Hunghom,
Kln, HK
(for internal production only)

Still missinng the finest grain of roll film and resist to accept the quality of digital photography? Now it's the time to kick away your prejudice against digital photography and judge the image quality with your eyes. At least, most of the pro-sumer DC can beat the 35mm traditional film camera easily in terms of photo print quality or money cost. We've upgrade our camera to 10MP equipped with a series of high quality fixed focal length lenses capable of shooting photos sharper than any zoom lens. The resolution is good enough for blowing large inkjet poster up to A0 size (at 120dpi) or offset printing up to A3 size (at 300dpi). Price remained unchanged during the introduction period.
  • 是時候放下對數碼攝影的成見了, 一部半專業的5MP-8MP數碼攝影機, 已能輕易拍得媲美傳統35mm相機的照片, 只要你願意讓眼睛作判斷. 我們已提升為千萬像素級別的數碼攝影機, 並配備多枝高質定焦鏡頭, 非一般變焦鏡可比, 足以作A3印刷或A1彩噴用途, 推介期間, 仍照舊價
  • What's New? 最新情報

    Our Committment to Creativity 我們對創新的理念

    av_clip/creation_icon.gifFor more than two decades,  we've been working hard to achieve the seamless fusion of  old with new, east with west  and art with science. Neither a clumsy mixture nor  a simple crossover can satisfy us.  We've never thought that we 've really made it.  Yet we've tried our best to approach it without regret.

    In this approximately 36sec promotion  trailer in  mpg-1 file of 4.3MB,  we not only show our committment to creative industry (Quicktime needed)., but also demonstrate a low cost production of mutimedia ad on the internet is simple and possible. More samples are available. Just click and check. 

    在20年的歲月裡,我們曾努力不 懈地嘗試,揉合現代和傳統、東方和西方、藝 術和科技,我們不敢奢言成功、或滿足於簡單 的混合、以至笨拙的結合,但卻無悔追 尋這36秒的動畫, 表達我們對創作的理念, 也展示低成本創作之可能. 網頁內有更多我們的創作樣本.

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