We  proudly and pleasantly announce that  we 've built a new site "imagebank.um-gallery.net" for  hosting all our stock images  of size up to 800x800pixel.  All these images are released to the public free of any charge  under our free license. As a member in creative industry, we value our intellectual property and respect the intellectual property right. However, we believe more in the value of free distribution of arts and the mutual benefits from the sharing of these artwork for both the creator and redistributor. Even viewing from a pragmatic point of view, the trade mark and copyright stamp on a widely distributed image worth more than thousands of word or dollar in gaining public notice.  We only place some reasonable restrictions on the use of these images. The license was written in simple and readable language. (refer to the "UM Free Image License Agreement "  for details.  Just feel  free to download, view and share with your friends..

我們正式宣佈, 一個全新
之 圖像網 站經已啟動, 我們將公司圖 庫內 原創圖像之 800x800 低密度版本 ,以自由圖像方式發佈, 公眾人士, 只須遵守幾個簡單條款, 如不得藉此謀利或製作違反道德發律之作品, 並保留本公司商標及水印即可. 我們深信藝術無邊界, 共享亦共.