生乏術,又豈能奢談理想, 何妨先登入有關我們商業服務的網頁, 看看我們的業務.
Without business, we won't be able to keep the web going. For more information about our business services, click the above links to visit our web pages.
If you're in Hong Kong, why don't you visit us in person? Here're some travel tips. Just click on the above icon you'll find the way to come to our gift shop or workshop.
Input Keyword to Search our site 輸入搜尋字串搜尋本網站
Sharing with Us, click the
following links to enjoy our special offer or free services.
For the promotion
of conservation of
environment, we created a few series of 09 calendars with photographs
of nature selected from our imagebank for free download
and even non-profit making purpose in a commercial
context. Visit "Goodies"
or "imagebank"
已把為數達四萬多張自有原創圖片以 "UM
Free Image License" 自由圖像授權協定方式發佈, 我們將繼續把庫存軟片圖庫數碼化,
Almost forty
thousands of
original photos
or images created by our
colleagues are now released to the pubic free of charge under our "UM
Free Image License".
These are only part of our portfolio. We keep digitalizing our archived
stock fotos in conventional film format and adding newly created images
to our image library. It's estimated that more than ten thousand
kept in our studio and we believe that they aren't just some kind
artwork but may serve as documentation of the development of our world
in the last 40 years. Just click and view..
(須保留版權印記)Newly unveiled AV library
will certainly give more choices
for web building. We're not going to create another legend like
"youtube", but we're willing to try our best to contribute to the
creative industry as what we've done in the past twenty years.
發言為詩, 原來古人心聲所至, 自然成詩, 即所謂出於天籟是也, ..... 不平則鳴, 文窮後工,
千古不易之理. 雖然網上之言, 難免有遊戲虛假嘻笑怒罵成份, 惟有關大是大非者, 本網誌眾博客,
Our blog has proved to be
effective platform for our members to air their views and even
grievances. Click the following link to see how they feel and
UM Blogger 網誌編輯組
What's Hot in UMBlog
....學科學的人,原本以為求神問卜的人,不問蒼生問鬼神,欠缺積極的人生觀,想不到最後 竟然殊途同歸,同樣得到命運不由自己掌握的消極結論,怪不得那麼多科學家最後還是在宗教中找尋人生的意義....
....感謝您,您的誠實,猶如滔滔濁 世中的一股清泉;我們已看到太多言行不一的反面教材....您默默恪守自己的信念,讓我們知道,守護著我們這個世界道德良知底線的,還大有人在,我們的下 一代,還是有希望的!
In addition to the above sites, we're going to build a lot more sites catering for people of different interest free of charge.
The Fading Memory (NTK L E) 淡去的記憶 - 牛下-30/5/2009
This video created by Free Video to Flash Converter |
1. Source of video: free video from <videoworks.um-gallery.net> 2. Archived works of "Epic of Vision for the Month" can be found at <HERE> |
more than
two decades, we've
working hard to achieve
the seamless fusion of old with new, east with west
and art with science. Neither a
clumsy mixture nor a
simple crossover can satisfy us. We've never thought that
we 've really made it. Yet
we've tried our
best to
approach it without regret.
In this approximately 36sec promotion trailer in mpg-1 file of 4.3MB, we not only show our committment to creative industry (Quicktime needed)., but also demonstrate a low cost production of mutimedia ad on the internet is simple and possible. More samples are available. Just click and check.
在20年的歲月裡,我們曾努力不 懈地嘗試,揉合現代和傳統、東方和西方、藝 術和科技,我們不敢奢言成功、或滿足於簡單 的混合、以至笨拙的結合,但卻無悔追 尋這36秒的動畫, 表達我們對創作的理念, 也展示低成本創作之可能. 網頁內有更多我們的創作樣本.
You are always welcome to visit our shop and workshop during the office hours.