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I have always been among those who believed that the greatest freedom of speech was the greatest safety, because if a man is a fool the best thing to do is to encourage him to advertise the fact by speaking. (我以為讓愚蠢的人自暴其醜, 正是最大之言論自由所以是最安全的主因)


書畫言心每月小品 Epic of Vision for the Month

The Right Thing To Do in One's Life

雅可樂 Artholic

子曰: 「吾十有五而志於學, 三十而立,四十而不惑,五十而知天命,六十而耳順,七十而從心所欲。」

- 孔子

When you are baby,  it's great if you look lovely.

When you are kid, it's great if you dare excel your peers.

When you are teenagers, it's great if you are rebellious to the authority.

When you are in your twenties, it's great if you remain aggressive to your supervisor.

When you are in your thirties, it's great if you have no fear to conquer your rivals.

When you are in your forties, it's great if you start to tolerate dissidents.

When you are in your fifties, it's great if you know how to be forgiving.

When you are in your sixties, it's great if you genuinely accept diversity.

When you are in your seventies, it's great if you feel content.

When you are in your eighties, it's great to be alive in good shape.

When you are in your nineties, its great to die without shame and regret.

die without shame and regret

小傳 Biography

從 為學至工作,皆不務正業,但非作奸犯科, 偷搶拐騙之謂也, 正業之於上智者言,齊家治國平天下、經世濟民之學也, 於下愚者言, 謀一技以傍身,安家立室,養妻活兒之術也,.雅可樂率性而行,不為物役, 鎮日詩詞歌賦,丹青翰墨,吟風弄月,皆非早年港人營生之正業,可幸道非常道,名非常名,世易時移,港人脫貧致富,自然財大氣粗,附庸風雅者日多,一體一 藝,竟成教育主流,昔日難賴以營生之技藝, 至今被吹舉為創意工業、經濟轉型之所繫。雖則離事實尚遠, 憑一藝以謀三餐一宿, 未若往昔艱難,憶苦思甜, 已堪回味,與網友共享創作苦樂.